
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Extended Look at 'Partysaurus Rex'

This weekend will mark Finding Nemo 3D's third weekend in theaters. You can now watch a brand new clip from Partysaurus Rex, the short that is currently preceding Nemo in cinemas.

If you haven't had the chance to catch Partysaurus Rex just yet and don't wish to spoil the surprise, I'd suggest avoiding this clip for now, but it's up to you. It is, after all, a very fun clip, and it sets the stage for the rest of the short, which explodes with fun before long.

Unfortunately, embedding has been disabled for the video, so check it out on YouTube.

Partysaurus Rex is now playing in theaters alongside Finding Nemo 3D.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Finding Nemo 3D @ the Box Office

Finding Nemo 3D has been playing in North American theaters for two weekends now, and it sure looks like the classic animated film has brought a couple people out to see it.

On its opening weekend, Nemo 3D grossed  $16.7 million, and nabbed the No. 2 spot at the box office for that weekend, behind Resident Evil: Retribution. That was in North America; it earned $5.1 million in a total of seven different foreign markets. It has had the weakest opening for a 3D re-release this year, however. This weekend, it landed in the No. 4 spot with $9.6 million.

Hopefully Nemo manages to gross a little more during its brief return to theaters before it finally arrives on Blu-ray.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Review: Finding Nemo 3D Is Astonishing

Well, it's been a week since I headed over to the theater to check out the latest Pixar 3D re-release, so I'd say it's time to post my review.

Where do I begin? I was very, very excited to see Finding Nemo 3D from the moment it was announced; the film remains to this day one of my favorite movies of all time, so getting the chance to experience it in theaters once again more than nine years after its initial release was a dream come true for me. If it hadn't been flawlessly converted into 3D, I would have paid the price of admission nonetheless. There's just something special about going to see a movie on the big screen. Especially when that movie is a true masterpiece.

The films remains the exact same classic that was released almost a decade ago; same story, characters, and touching message. One of the major highlights of Nemo has always been the characters that carry the story. Every single one of them in endearing and funny in their own way; you love them from the start and root for them immensely until the very end. They make for a very entertaining film, and you can't help but smile when you see them on screen. Finding Nemo also packs quite the emotional punch, as many of Pixar's films do. Despite the fact that I've seen the film countless times before, I found myself on the verge of tears watching it last week. This movie is more than just a cute little fish story, a lot more.

Finding Nemo truly is the perfect film for the 3D format. It really is. It has everything a 3D movie should have, and it uses 3D very effectively, without ever exaggerating it in a way that it becomes annoyingly distracting (Monsters vs. Aliens comes to mind). After ten minutes or so, you'll have become oblivious to everything around you because you'll be so ridiculously immersed in both the gorgeous underwater world of the film and its story. The characters are right there in front of you, and you follow them on this unbelievable journey that becomes even more more unbelievable after you encounter three vegan sharks, a vicious anglerfish, a school of impressionist moonfish, a forest of jellyfish, a surfer-dude sea turtle, and a majestic blue whale. There is a sense of depth throughout the entire film, giving the magnificent illusion that you really are in this beautiful aquatic world. You can see all these little particles peacefully floating around in the water, and it makes the experience all the more magical. Bottom line, Finding Nemo is the film to see in 3D. So if you haven't already gone and seen it, hurry up and get your butt to the theater.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you're hesitating on whether or not you should spend money on going to the theater to see a film that you've probably already seen a million times before, don't. Finding Nemo 3D is worth every penny, and I am dead serious. It is easily the best film I have ever seen in 3D, and heck, even without the 3D it's an insanely beautiful film with an insanely beautiful story. Plus, you'll even get to see the new short Partysaurus Rex, which is an absolute blast (stay tuned for a review).

So I'll leave it at this: go see Finding Nemo 3D, you will not regret it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sweet 'Partysaurus Rex' Poster!

Pixar's new short, Partysaurus Rex (the latest and probably wildest of the Toy Story Toons) is now playing in theaters before Finding Nemo 3D, and if you haven't already, I highly suggest you go check it out, because not only is it insanely fun, but it looks spectacular in 3D.

This colorful and vibrant poster for the short was released online this week. Mark Walsh, the director of the short also posted it onto Twitter. It does an excellent job of capturing the wackiness and craziness of the short film. It's a very creative poster, and even has a teeny Easter egg in the text at the bottom. Emeryville, as you may have heard, is the town in which Pixar's main campus is located. You can also the the Pixar Canada logo there at the bottom.

I'll have my reviews for both Partysaurus Rex and Finding Nemo 3D up soon, but for now, go check out both in theaters!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Finding Nemo 3D Now In Theaters!

The wait is over folks. More than nine years after its original release in theaters, Pixar's classic Finding Nemo has returned to theaters after being converted to 3D. This marks the first Pixar 3D re-release after the Toy Story/Toy Story 2 double feature in 2009. Also, Partysaurus Rex, the third in the Toy Story Toons series, is now playing alongside Nemo 3D in theaters.

You might be wondering if it's worth paying to go see a film that you've likely seen many times before, with the only difference being that it's playing in 3D this time. You might even be one of those people that find 3D overrated and may see no point whatsoever in all these re-releases that we've been getting lately. However, this is Finding Nemo we're talking about, one of the most visually-stunning films to ever come from Pixar - and quite possibly one of the most visually-stunning films that have ever been made in general. There's nearly no doubt in my mind that this film, with all its aquatic settings and vibrant colors, would look absolutely breathtaking in 3D.

So my advice to you would simply be: go see it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Finding Nemo 3D Premire Pics

As Finding Nemo returns to theaters (this time in 3D, of course) tomorrow, the premiere took place on Monday at the El Capitan theater. Check out some pictures from the event below.

John Lasseter (executive producer) and Andrew Stanton (writer/director)

Willem Dafoe (voice of Gill), Albert Brooks (voice of Marlin), and John Lasseter (executive producer)

Allison Janney (voice of Peach) and Andrew Stanton (writer/director)

As you can see, many of the voice actors from the film where present to see the classic undersea adventure in the new format, as well as director Andrew Stanton and the big boss himself, John Lasseter.

Don't miss out on Finding Nemo 3D during its short run in theaters! Even if you skipped Beauty and the Beast,  The Phantom Menace, and Titanic, this is one re-release that you must see (or should I say, sea)!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Must Watch: Paths to Pixar

Occasionally, when I find myself bored, I visit Pixar's official website (which was recently updated) just for the heck of it, and quite often accidentally end up stumbling upon something that really grabs me.

If you're a fan of the bonus features on Pixar's home video releases, chances are that you've seen one or two episodes from the fantastic "Paths to Pixar" series. Each episode focuses on a different type of occupation at the Pixar studios, and includes interviews with several Pixarians who have that particular job. They explain what they do for a living, and what lead them to what they do at the studio for a living, and also often give you some expert advice. It really is fascinating to hear each individual's story, and you'll also likely pick up some inspiration while listening to these Pixarian's wise words.

You can check out a bunch of "Paths to Pixar" episodes over at Pixar's official website.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monsters, Inc. 3D: First Trailer

Just a couple of days after the first one-sheet for Monsters, Inc. 3D arrived, the very first trailer for the upcoming re-release has hit the web. Check it out below.

While I must admit that I am a tad more excited about Finding Nemo's 3D re-release than I am for this (Nemo is more of a 3D kind of movie, in my opinion), I will no doubt go see the Pixar classic in theaters once again this December. I was two years old when it originally hit theaters in 2001, hence I don't remember it very well, so this is a wonderful opportunity to relive the experience of watching the film I know and love on the big screen, this time in fabulous 3D. Plus, it also serves as good preparation for the prequel, which will premiere just six months after MI 3D. And the door chase sequence in the film will without a doubt look stunning in the third dimension.

Look for Monsters, Inc. 3D in theaters December 19 (or January 18, 2013 if you're in the UK)!