
The Luxo Limelight

Attention Pixar fans!

Are you a truly dedicated Pixar junkie? If so, you've come to the right place.

The Luxo Limelight is a column dedicated to giving Pixar aficionados from around the world a chance to shine and tell their story so as to get a glimpse at the impact the studio and its films have made over the years.

Anyone is eligible to participate, so if you are interested please send an email to with the subject line "Luxo Limelight" stating that you would like to take part in the column and which of the following options you would like to choose.

Option 1: An interview-style article. You'll be sent a series of questions regarding your admiration of Pixar and its films, why and how the studio inspires you, and so forth. Your answers may be anywhere between a sentence to a paragraph long.

Option 2: You may choose to do your own written piece telling all about how you became a Pixar superfan, the reason behind your love of the studio, recalling a certain time in your life when you were influenced by their films, etc. Your piece may be as long or short as you wish.

Once you have sent an email affirming you would like to partake, you'll be sent a confirmation email with the full details regarding your participation.

If you have any further questions please contact me at, and I will be happy to clear up any doubts.

Read past issues of the Luxo Limelight here.

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