
Monday, December 13, 2010

Cars 2: Super Early Review!

Even though the film is almost six months away from being released in theaters, Disney apparently held a "super secret" screening of Pixar's upcoming movie, Cars 2! According to Nanna Torhild, one of the lucky people invited to the special event, about 70% of the film is still not finished. She does include some negativity in her review, but I doubt Pixar's next is bad. No Pixar movie has ever been bad.

Mrs. Torhild claims Cars 2 is is hilarious, and funnier than the original. She also says that some of the secondary characters are "a delight", and that the film has beautiful sets, "even for flat drawings", because a lot of the film was shown in storyboards.
So if you look at all the positive remarks on the film, it looks like another great movie is coming our way!

You can read Nanna's full review here, but beware a few tiny spoilers!

(Via Upcoming Pixar)

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