
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

'Brooklyn' at the Pixar Studios

Brooklyn is what Pixar's new Phase II building is referred to internally. The building has been being planned for quite a while now, and I believe it is nearly done construction, and about to be inhabited by many eager Pixar animators, story artists, etc. The purpose for this expansion at the Pixar studios is for future Pixar projects that are still in pre-production to be moved to the new building, while those films closer to their release dates will stay in the main building. My guess is that Monsters University and the unannounced Pete Doctor project will be moved to Brooklyn, and as for Brave and Cars 2, they will probably remain in the studio's older building. Also, be sure to check out a load of sketches, construction photos, floor plans, and other neat stuff regarding the new Pixarian Brooklyn here.

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