
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Brave Concept Art, Composer Announced

Lately we've gotten some news on Pixar's next feature film after Cars 2, Brave, which will be Pixar's very first fairy tale, and will also feature Pixar's first female protagonist.

Recently, a picture of Brave concept art on display at Pixar's facility in Emeryville (pictured above) was released on Twitter, and boy, is it ever astounding. This concept art happens to be on display at Pixar's new Brooklyn building, and is the same concept art I saw last month when I got to visit the studio. I mention seeing Brave concept art on display at Brooklyn in this post. While Pixar has stated when Brooklyn opened that they would not be releasing any pictures of Brooklyn's interior yet, this image somehow managed to find its way onto the Internet when it was posted by BravePixar2012 on Twitter. Maybe this is the first of many pictures from the inside of Brooklyn to be released on the web.

Also, it has been announced that Scottish composer Patrick Doyle will score for Brave. Patrick has also composed music for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and this year's Thor, as well as the upcoming Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Also, John Lasseter has stated that even though the film's lead, Merida, is a princess, he says that "she's a kickass princess. She has a bow and a sword, she rides a big horse and battles bears." So for boys that were thinking of maybe skipping Pixar's 2012 film just because it's a princess movie, don't even think about it. Brave will be just as awesome as all the other Pixar classics!

Catch the Brave teaser trailer this Friday in theaters with Cars 2!

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