
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brave: One Year Until Release, First Poster!

The date today is June 22, 2011. Exactly one year from today, Pixar's 13th film Brave will hit theaters! When I first heard that Pixar was going to do a fairy tale, I wasn't quite keen on the idea, but I was still pretty excited since Pixar has never let me down. Over time, as more concept art was released, I started to see how this could be really cool. But after seeing this gorgeous poster I am now ten times even more excited. Brave will not only feature Pixar's first female protagonist, but it will have a darker tone to it than any other previous films from the studio. Now Pixar has stated that they are not trying to scare all their fans away, and that Brave will preserve all the humour and great characters that all Pixar movies have, but it will have a darker tone, and you can tell by the look of the poster. I mean, compared to the Toy Story logo, it is definitely going to be a different type of movie.

Coincidentally, the very first teaser poster for the film was released today, exactly one year before the film's release! It is absolutely stunning, and I think it is one of the best posters for a Pixar film that I have ever seen. Just look at the amount of detail on it! I also love the tagline, "Change Your Fate". There's just something cool about it. Also, you can see what appears to be a bear hidden between the rocks behind the logo. That bear keeps popping up here and there in concept art and now this poster, and remember, before being given the name Brave this movie was originally called "The Bear and the Bow", so this bear is obviously going to be key in the film's plot. I'm also curious to know what those blue sparks in the poster are...

Also, read more Brave and its new teaser poster on Entertainment Weekly. Comments by Brave director Mark Andrews and producer Katherine Sarafian are included.

Brave hits theaters in one year exactly, and don't miss the teaser trailer in theaters with Cars 2!

So what do you think of the poster?

1 comment:

  1. I have been hearing a little about this film and was so happy to find this post. I'm getting very excited to see it the more I've been searching about BRAVE today. Yay, less than a year and counting!
