
Monday, August 15, 2011

New Pixar Project Scheduled for May 2014

Back in June, it was announced to the public that there is an upcoming Pixar film scheduled for release on November 27, 2013, which would make 2013 the first year that Pixar would release two movies in the same year (the first one would be Monsters University, set for June 21, 2013). The only thing we were told about this November 2013 release was that it would be an original project and not a sequel/prequel. Other that that and the release date, no further details were given.

Last week we found out that another untitled Pixar film is now scheduled for May 30, 2014. This time, however, it was not specified whether or not this project will feature original characters or if it will be expanding on a previously created Pixar universe. Could it possibly the much rumoured Toy Story 4? Or is it finally time to move past the "sequel era" at Pixar and once again go back to making all original stories and characters all the time, which is what many Pixar fans would prefer, unless, that is, if they were making a sequel to The Incredibles. Whatever this movie is, I'm sure it will one day sit on millions of people's shelves as a treasured classic, like Toy Story, or Finding Nemo.

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