
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stunning New "La Luna" Still

Once again, we are here getting a small but satisfying bit of La Luna news. It was recently announced that "Luna" is set to be the short to play infront of Brave this coming June, and before that, we had gotten a fairly decent sneak peek at the upcoming short film, with a few stills, a poster, and even a clip. Now, I present to you yet another amazing still from the short, a closeup of the main character in the film.This image just so happens to be from the 30-second clip that was released a few months back. Also, in case you hadn't been informed of this yet, the little boy set to star in La Luna is named Bambino--which literally means "little boy" in Italian. As simple as this still, and the short in general, may be, it looks absolutely wonderful. I don't know what the best part is; the extremely simple yet sophisticated design of the boy, the nice background full of shining stars, the light shining on the boy's's all just spectacular. If what we've seen so far is any indication, it sure seems like we have a classic fable on the way, because La Luna looks like it's shaping up to be almost as beautiful as the Moon itself.

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