
Friday, October 21, 2011

Pixar Canada Reveals Studio and Current Project!

Until today, Pixar's studio in Vancouver, BC, Canada, remained quite mysterious. Now, the Vancouver Sun has given us an inside scoop on what the studio has been up to for the last year and a half.

First of all, it has been confirmed that Air Mater is in fact being produced at the Vancouver studio, as previously speculated. But after seeing the concept art which was revealed when the studio first opened, it was almost certain that something involving Mater flying was being worked on at Pixar Canada. Don't forget to catch Air Mater, the first ever Pixar project to come from the Canadian studio, on the home video release of Cars 2 on November 1!

Also, the location of Pixar Canada has now been revealed to the public; Gastown in Downtown Vancouver, where the famous steam clock can also be found. Having have visited this street several times before, I can tell you that it is quite the sight with countless flowers everywhere you look, and fancy lamp posts lined along the the street. I'm almost certain that Pixar is very happy with the place they chose to put their second animation studio.

As seen in the picture above, the replicas (or at least copies of the replicas) of McQueen and Mater that have been touring the United States and Canada for the past few months are now on display right in front of the Pixar Canada studios, to mark the location of where dozens of talented artists and animators go to work everyday. These two cars may stay there only temporarily, but there is a chance that they could stay as permanent decor, or at least be moved slightly.

We are prone to find out what else Pixar Canada is cooking up for us soon, but for now, just enjoy Air Mater on the Cars 2 Blu-ray and DVD!

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