
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Brave: Lords, Triplets, and Witches!

It's incredible the amount of Brave videos that Pixar and Disney have been uploading to the web lately. Here are some that you may have missed.

In another "Family Portrait", Merida talks about "the neighbors"; the Lords Dingwall, Macintosh, and MacGuffin and their sons.

In this featurette, Merida's mischievous little triplet brothers, Hamish, Hubert, and Harris, put up a little show for Fergus and the Lords as Elinor narrates. Watch as hilarity ensues.

Finally, in this new parody of a television commercial, we get our first glimpse at the Witch, who grants Merida a wish to "change her fate". Now, with Witch's Magical Mystery Brew, you no longer have to wish your problems away, you can witch them away. But beware some minor side effects.

With only 10 days to go until Brave, I am getting more excited than ever.

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