
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Final Monsters University Trailer + New Clips

If, like me, you thought Disney and Pixar were done releasing full-length trailers for Monsters University, you'll be surprised to learn that we thought wrong. The studio surprised the Web this past week by releasing one last trailer for the quickly-approaching, highly-anticipated animated comedy. You can watch it below, but be warned, I hear it's a bit on the spoiler-y side.

If you so desire, you can also watch some of the new clips that Pixar have posted to their YouTube channel, but if you plan on walking into the film as fresh as possible, I'd advise against watching them until after you've seen the movie in its entirety. I myself haven't seen any of these clips nor the new trailer, but you may watch them at your own risk.

Fear not, my friends. Monsters University hits theaters in less than a month.

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