
Friday, June 21, 2013

The Luxo Limelight - Issue #4: Munir Abedrabbo

Welcome back to The Luxo Limelight, and happy Monsters University day!

Now, let's talk about Munir, a very friendly Pixar buff from Ecuador! Today, read all he has to share about the impact the studio and its films have had on his life. He's come up with some very insightful responses to my questions, definitely worthy of your time!


What is your favorite Pixar film? What is your favorite Pixar short film?
This is a tough question since all of them are such great movies, but if I have to pick one it has to be The Incredibles. It has a level of sophisticated storytelling that its rare to find and of course great animation and wonderful action scenes. As for short films, my absolute favorite is Geri’s Game; such an inventive story with a delightful central character.

Who is/are your favorite Pixar character(s)? How do you relate to them?
I’ll say it’s Robert Parr. He has to sacrifice a lot of what he likes and what he’s good at in order to fit in society. I can really relate to that since I’ve done many stuff that I haven’t been happy with in order to fit or adapt in society. Making sacrifices is not easy but sometimes you gotta do it. I also love how imperfect and human he is and I think anyone can relate to that since all of us have made mistakes.

Who is your favorite Pixarian, and how do they inspire you?
Brad Bird. He brought something new and fresh to an already fresh and original studio. I think he really gives his characters a lot of development and show many layers of personality in them. As an aspiring screenwriter, I try to make my characters as multilayered as his characters are in his films. I also have to mention John Lasseter since he basically founded the studio and shepherded to its greatness.

How and when did you first come to be a Pixar fanatic?
I distinctly remember being 9 years old and I went to see Toy Story 2, which just premiered in theaters. At that time, I hadn’t seen the first Toy Story or A Bug’s Life so TS2 was my first Pixar film and, even though I hadn’t seen the first one, the film blew me away. After that, I’ve seen every single Pixar film and I try to do it on opening day. They’ve become my must-see event of the year.

Which upcoming Pixar film are you most excited for?
The Inside Out. Up is one of my favorite films and Pete Docter always delivers original ideas with tons of heart so I expect this one will be no different. Plus the premise sounds very interesting and intriguing. Can’t wait for that one!

Is it a dream of yours to work for Pixar? If so, what sort of job would you like to have there?
Yes it is. It’s my ultimate goal. I’m a filmmaking student and I’ll specialize in screenwriting. I’m not good at drawing but I’m good at telling stories so I hope to work in the story department, creating and developing fresh new ideas for the studio.

How do friends and family react to your love for the studio?
They all support me. Many of my friends love Pixar too so there’s lots of interesting discussions with them. My family knows how much I love the studio and they support me to find a way and one day work there.

Try to explain the feeling of seeing a Pixar film, feature-length or short, for the very first time in just three words.
Most exciting thing.

Pixar's films teach us many valuable life lessons. Can you recall a particular time when you implemented any of these lessons into your life? Which moral lesson showcased in a Pixar film resonates with you the most?
I think the lessons that most resonates with me is friendship and the sense of loyalty that the Toy Story films teach. Also one particular lesson that I try to apply in my everyday life is from A Bug’s Life, which is perseverance. No matter how many times you fail, believe in yourself and keep trying. I think that’s the best lesson of all.

You are in argument with someone who claims Pixar is overrated. How do you convince them otherwise?
If we are having a rational discussion, I just point to specific moments in every film to show their storytelling brilliance. If they’re being unreasonable, I just don’t say anything. Why waste my time with such people?

Pixar have created something of a legacy for themselves ever since they began back in 1986. What part of said legacy do you hope the studio holds on to for as long as they are in existence?I really hope they maintain John Ratzenberger as long as he’s able to, ha ha. I also think they should always maintain their Studio Culture in which story is the main thing no matter the technology or the tools. Always think of the story first.

If you could say something, anything, to the founders of Pixar right now, what would it be?Thank you for giving for the memories and for inspiring us with great pieces of art. Your work makes the world a better place!


Big thanks to Munir for wanting to participate, and don't forget to follow him on Twitter (@maac027), and you can also read his contributions over at A113Animation - at the moment he's busy reviewing all 52 of Disney Animation's animated films, doing one each week.

Thanks for tuning in, and check back next week for Issue #5 of The Luxo Limelight. And remember, if you would like the limelight to be shone on you, email me at!

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