
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monsters University: Blu-ray Review

Pixar's fourteenth feature film made its way onto DVD and Blu-ray late last month, and most Pixar and animation fanatics seem to have picked up a copy. I just recently finished getting through all the phenomenal bonus features on the release (or most of them anyway) and thought I'd have a go at writing my first ever Blu-ray review. If you're a follower of this blog you probably already know that I quite thoroughly enjoyed the Monsters, Inc. prequel back when I first saw it in June (you can read my review here), so I was thrilled to be able to see it again at home in all its high-definition glory, as well as delight in all the fantastic in-depth bonus features that fans have come to expect from Pixar releases. So let's begin...

Picture Quality
Well, there's not much to say here really, other than that this flick looks absolutely stunning on Blu-ray - not that one should expect anything less from a Pixar release. Monsters University is one of this year's most colorful and vibrant films so far, and those colors really pop on the screen; the film's spectacular palette will leave you dazzled. The image is crystal clear, with lots little details, like Sulley's blue and purple fur and Randy's scaly skin, that are quite striking. Simply put, MU's Blu-ray presentation is visually flawless.

3D Quality
I did purchase the "Ultimate Collector's Edition" of the film, which comes with the Blu-ray 3D disc, and while I questioned whether I just get the 3D version for quite some time before buying the film, I am happy to say I do not regret my final decision. The 3D presentation retains the impeccable attributes of the regular 2D version while adding great visual depth to an already ravishing feast for the eyes. The college campus stretches deep into the display, making you feel as if you're really there with Mike as he first steps foot on the university. Like I said in my original review of the film, 3D isn't an essential element of Monsters U, but the film definitely makes for a beaming 3D experience.

Audio Quality
Brace yourself, as your surroundings may start to rumble after Sulley delivers one of his terrifying roars. Much like the visual presentation of the film, MU's audio is impeccable. Dialogue is nice and clear, and the wide array of monstrous sound effects throughout the movie is just as resonant.

As usual with Pixar films, there is an entire disc dedicated entirely to the countless of special features for Monsters University that give you an inside look at the Emeryville-based studio, famous for its fun and wacky antics. The extras should keep you occupied for a good while, and are complete with deleted scenes, some great featurettes, and even a virtual tour of the university campus. Needless to say, MU's bonus features live up to those of previous Pixar releases.

The Ultimate Collector's Edition of Monsters University delivers on all fronts, and not only does it meet its relatively high expectations, it exceeds them. Another bonus is that, as usual for Pixar Blu-rays, all four discs come with artwork on them, something that has become quite a rarity in Blu-ray releases these days. The slipcover is also very nice, and while I originally wasn't crazy about the artwork on this particular edition, I must say I've warmed up to it, even if I prefer the cover art for the regular Collector's Edition.

So if you've got some extra cash to spare and are looking for a superb addition to your movie collection, I strongly recommend you pick this one up!

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