
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

5 Years And Counting...

It's hard to believe that already half a decade has passed since I published my first post on this blog. I always get a kick looking back at my earlier posts, seeing as my writing ability was not quite up to par when I started. I'll probably look back at my current posts in a few years and cringe.

What a blast this has been. Without exaggeration, my life would be very different today were it not for this blog. Pixar's films have always filled me with sheer joy, and covering Pixar news has only added to that.

As always, a huge thank you goes to the supporters of this blog, especially the ones who have been here since the start. For those of you that are new, welcome!

If you enjoy this blog and are a Pixar aficionado, I encourage you to participate in the Luxo Limelight column - exclusive here on Pixar Corner! Read more about it here.

I look forward to keeping this blog running for many more years. I am hoping to bring some exciting updates soon to celebrate Pixar Corner's 5th anniversary, so stay tuned...

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