
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

'Inside Out' Debuts to Stellar Reviews

With the film a mere month away, reviews have begun to roll in for Pixar's Inside Out. The film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival yesterday and has garnered quite the enthusiastic response.

Twelve reviews in, the film holds a 100% "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Variety, Vanity Fair and The Hollywood Reporter, to name a few, have all published reviews singing the film's praises. Some have also taken to Twitter to express their love of Pixar's latest:

So far, Inside Out is shaping up to be Pixar's biggest critical hit since Toy Story 3. Cars 2 was the studio's first film to not receive critical acclaim, and though Brave and Monsters University were both received positively, they were not the critical darlings that, say, Up, WALL-E, or the Toy Story films were. Inside Out, however, seems like it will silence those still claiming that Pixar has "lost its touch" and will no doubt become another cherished classic in the Pixar library.

Inside Out opens June 19; just one month from now!

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