
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lee Unkrich Says "The End."

They made the movie. They released it in theaters. It was a huge success. They release it on Blu-Ray and DVD. They put it in a drawer along with the other Pixar movies.

At least that's what director Lee Unkrich did. He has posted this video on You Tube for all Pixar fans to enjoy.

This officially marks "The End" for Toy Story 3. Well, not the end, but the end of the process of making the film, the end of its run in theaters, until it was released in home video.

Don't forget to look for Toy Story 3 on Blu-Ray and DVD this Tuesday. Finally.

Since it is "The End", it won't be long until the nominations (and awards, duh) start coming in for TS3. In my opinion, TS3 will definitely win Best Animated Movie at the Oscars and has a pretty strong chance of being nominated and possibly winning Best Picture.

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