
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Marvelous Music of Pixar

Music is a marvelous thing. It makes us feel certain emotions, depending on what kind of music it is. My most favorite music of all, is the music used in Pixar films. I think it's so good, it should be made into its own genre. Rock, pop, classical, and Pixar. Pixar not only makes great films, but they make great films with great music. As I mentioned at the start, it music makes us feel different emotions. For example, the opening jazz theme for Monsters, Inc. makes me feel happy and excited because of its cheery beat. The theme for Finding Nemo really touches my heart, and makes me feel calm, and it makes me think that it's a beautiful world. There is a lot more Pixar music, so that's why below I've posted quite a few (there is at least one song for each Pixar movie) of my personal favorites from all the Pixar films. Please do enjoy.

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