
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Awesome, Beautiful, Fantastic New 'Brave' Poster!

A major website update. A new trailer tomorrow. Even with these two unbelievably exciting gifts from Pixar this week, they decided to give us one more Brave present...

The gorgeous and spectacular poster seen above that probably made your jaw drop the instant you first saw it.

This is even better than the previous Brave poster we saw, which, for the record, was extremely awesome as well. This one's just so vibrant, and while there's not a large variety of colors on it, it's still very colorful. I think part of the reason Pixar decided to give Merida fiery red hair is to give the movie some more color and spirit, rather than having it look dull and boring.

The new poster features Princess Merida stylishly aiming an arrow at who-knows-what, and bravely staring into the camera. John Lasseter was not kidding when he said Merida was going to be a "kickass" princess! She looks like she could be deadly to anyone or anything if she so desired, so I pity the boy who dumps her.

Also, you can once again catch a glipse of that mysterious bear in the background, as well as those mystical-looking, glowing, blue thingies in the foreground.

The bottom of the Brave poster includes the tagline, and invites you to Change Your Fate on June 22.

I invite you to do the same when Brave hits theaters this summer! Man, now I am starting to get really impatient for June 22 to get here!

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