
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jeff Pidgeon Sports a 'Monstrous' Shirt! [300th Post!]

In case you're wondering, no, those aren't the actual Pixar studios in the picture above. What you're looking at is a part of Disney's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World (Orlando, Florida) called "Pixar Place", which is styled to resemble the real Pixar studios. I've been there in the past, it's pretty neat.

But the background in this picture isn't the important thing here. The reason I posted this is because the man posing in the foreground is none other than Jeff Pidgeon, a story artist at Pixar and also the voice of the three Toy Story Aliens. He appears to have recently visited Disney World. I actually once saw Jeff in real life. He walked right by me when I visited the Pixar studios last May. But at the time, he wasn't wearing the peculiar shirt that he is sporting in this picture.

At first glance, Jeff's shirt isn't really anything amazing, really just your average brown t-shirt. But look closely, and you'll notice the lettering "Monsters University" on the shirt, along with a familiar, slightly altered logo. Yes, Jeff's shirt is an exclusive Monsters U production shirt, available only to those working at Pixar, and possibly to those lucky enough to visit the studio.

In many pictures and videos, Pixar employees can be seen wearing cool shirts, hats, or other accessories that have the title of one of Pixar's films on them, and these clothing articles may eventually make their way to the Pixar Studio Store, which is open to anyone that can get inside the building.

I just posted this because it's one of the first little glimpses of "news" regarding the upcoming Monsters prequel. Which reminds me, if Pixar decides to follow tradition this year and release a teaser trailer of the film coming after the one being released that certain year, we may be seeing a Monsters U teaser this June!

(via PixarBlog)

Also, this just happens to be the 300th post on this blog! It seems that just yesterday I was starting up this blog with big hopes, and now, after nearly two years, Pixar Corner has come pretty far! It's always a nice feeling when I write another 100 posts about the best animation studio in the world!

Also, be sure to check out Pixar Corner's 100th and 200th posts!