
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Cars 2 Review

On Friday, I was super excited to finally be watching Cars 2, and I am happy to say it that this film is no disappointment! Read my spoiler-free review on the film below!

When John Lasseter was travelling the world doing publicity for the first Cars, he had cars as characters in his brain, and he couldn't help but think, "What would Mater do here?" Cars 2 sprang from that idea of the cars travelling around the world. The international aspect of the film is definitely present when you watch Cars 2. You certainly see it when Mater mistakes wasabi for pistachio ice cream, and in his mishap at the high-tech Japanese toilet. Cars 2, I think, is a movie that everyone the world over can enjoy, especially because it goes global. The people of Japan, France, Italy, and England will feel proud to see their countries up on the big screen as part of this big spy film.

While this movie lacks the heavy emotion of previous Pixar works, it is still very fun and extremely exciting. I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of the film, just like how I was crying for the last fifteen minutes of Toy Story 3. This animated spy flick actually gets pretty intense for a G-rated fact, it's probably the most violent G-rated movie I've ever watched! The action is very exhilarating, and I was actually chewing my fingernails at one point. Not to mention, all the explosions look amazing, especially on the big screen in 3D! Even though it won't make you tear up like Up or Toy Story 3, Cars 2 still brings an important message of friendship.

The look of Cars 2 is absolutely spectacular. Pixar has continued to make each of their movies even more dazzling than their previous effort. From all of the colorful neon lights in Tokyo and their reflections imprinted on the bodies of the cars, to massive crowds at the World Grand Prix, and massive explosions, Cars 2 is one of the most stunning films so far this year.

Michael Giacchino once again succeeds in composing a score that supports the story. He even inserted a really catchy theme that shows up here and there throughout the film. Also, the songs that various artists contributed are quite catchy!

Cars 2 succeeds in being quality family entertainment, and also a very awesome spy film. I think that the reason that critics aren't liking it as much is because since it was made by Pixar, they were expecting something as good as Finding Nemo or Toy Story 3. But Cars 2 was a very fun sequel, I enjoyed it, and so did many other people. For me it was a joy seeing these characters back in a really exciting adventure, and I loved meeting a bunch of these remarkable new characters. Needless to say, Pixar is yet to fail, because Cars 2 is a success in its own way.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Brave Teaser Trailer Hits Web!!!

At last, the teaser trailer for Brave has been released on the Internet. I watched this, and all I could saw was, "Wow." Brave is going to be really, really awesome.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pixar News Lineup!

Pixar's newest short, "Hawaiian Vacation", now in theaters with "Cars 2"

Several things debuted on the web between all the excitement from the release of Cars 2! Read about them below.

First up, Cars 2 director and Pixar chief creative officer John Lasseter will be getting his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next year!!! It was about time!! Congratulations to Mr. Lasseter!

As you can see, the still seen above from Hawaiian Vacation was released on the web as well. I sure remember that part of the short film. It was followed by a really funny guest appearance who I am sure you will remember from Toy Story 3...

Check out this video featuring Cars franchise guardian, Jay Ward as he gives you an inside scoop on Cars 2:

Over at Animation World Network, check out two great interviews regarding Pixar's two newest shorts, Hawaiian Vacation, and La Luna.

Cars 2 earned an approximate $25.7 million yesterday on its opening day! Looks like Cars 2 will be quite commercially successful!

That's all for now, but stay tuned for more updates on how Cars 2 does at the box office, and also, when the Brave teaser trailer hits the web!

First Official Still From Brave!

A few weeks ago, a rendered image from Brave was leaked onto the Internet. However, I do not like posting "leaked" items because when they are leaked, Pixar has not willfully released them, so I find it disrespectful to the studio to post them on a blog. But at least now we have the first official Brave still, in glorious high-res. As you can see, it features Merida, the main protagonist of the film, with her bow in hand, running away from...something. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful image and I look forward to much, much more from Pixar's Brave!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cars 2 Brings Awesome Stuff To The Big Screen

Today at 1:00 pm, I caught the first IMAX 3D screening of Cars 2 at my local theater, and it was AWESOME...honestly. It was an even better experience watching it in IMAX, which made it look absolutely spectacular.

I was disappointed that the teaser trailer for Brave was not shown infront of the screening I went to of Cars 2. Now I need to wait until it's released on the web. [groan]

Cars 2 was exactly what I expected it to be...a fun, action-packed spy thriller, that happens to star Mater and Lightning McQueen. It may not be as emotional as previous Pixar films, such as Toy Story 3 and Up, but that's because it wasn't meant to be that. As many people have stated, Cars 2 may not be Pixar's best, but it is still a very entertaining movie. Even Pixar's worst can be way better than what a lot of other studios release.  It is definately tied with The Incredibles for Pixar's most action-packed movie.

I'll have my full review on Cars 2 up on the blog later on this weekend. And as for Toy Story: Hawaiian Vacation, it was absolutely hilarious!

So should you take the time to watch Cars 2? Answer: Heck yes.

Cars 2 Finally Vrooms Into Theaters!!!

This is it. Today is June 24, 2011. Everyone's favorite four-wheeled characters are back. So what do you do now? Celebrate!!

After several months of counting down to the film here on Pixar Corner, we have reached the finish line, and Pixar's Cars 2 is finally here! We have once again reached the release date of another great Pixar film.

Directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Brad Lewis, produced by Denise Ream, and written by Ben Queen, this film not only features a great crew, but a great cast! Returning as Lightning McQueen and Mater are Owen Wilson and Larry the Cable Guy, respectively. Joining the fun are Michael Caine as the British spy Finn McMissile, and Emily Mortimer as the sleek spy-in-training Holley Shiftwell. John Turturro voices the cocky Italian racecar, Francesco Bernoulli. This movie also features an awesome score by the very talented Michael Giacchino.

Lightning McQueen and Mater are back, but this time they are travelling all around the world and meeting tons of new cars, and getting involved with the world of international espionage.

Cars 2 will be presented in normal 2D, Disney Digital 3D, Real D 3D, and IMAX 3D. But no matter how you watch it, you are in for a real treat. Cars 2 will not disappoint!

So drive on over to your local theater, buy those tickets and vroom into Pixar's 12th release, Cars 2!

Also, don't miss the Brave teaser trailer, and the first Toy Story Toon, "Hawaiian Vacation", attatched to the fun action-packed movie!

If you are living in a country where Cars 2 is being released later on this summer, than don't let it bug you. Cars 2 is still coming to you, just slightly later!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brave Website Officially Launched!

With the new poster released, we now have an official website for Pixar's upcoming Brave. Right now it doesn't have much, just an image from the Brave poster, a gallery of concept art, and a synopsis for the movie. But keep checking it, because the teaser trailer for the film might appear on there sometime soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brave: One Year Until Release, First Poster!

The date today is June 22, 2011. Exactly one year from today, Pixar's 13th film Brave will hit theaters! When I first heard that Pixar was going to do a fairy tale, I wasn't quite keen on the idea, but I was still pretty excited since Pixar has never let me down. Over time, as more concept art was released, I started to see how this could be really cool. But after seeing this gorgeous poster I am now ten times even more excited. Brave will not only feature Pixar's first female protagonist, but it will have a darker tone to it than any other previous films from the studio. Now Pixar has stated that they are not trying to scare all their fans away, and that Brave will preserve all the humour and great characters that all Pixar movies have, but it will have a darker tone, and you can tell by the look of the poster. I mean, compared to the Toy Story logo, it is definitely going to be a different type of movie.

Coincidentally, the very first teaser poster for the film was released today, exactly one year before the film's release! It is absolutely stunning, and I think it is one of the best posters for a Pixar film that I have ever seen. Just look at the amount of detail on it! I also love the tagline, "Change Your Fate". There's just something cool about it. Also, you can see what appears to be a bear hidden between the rocks behind the logo. That bear keeps popping up here and there in concept art and now this poster, and remember, before being given the name Brave this movie was originally called "The Bear and the Bow", so this bear is obviously going to be key in the film's plot. I'm also curious to know what those blue sparks in the poster are...

Also, read more Brave and its new teaser poster on Entertainment Weekly. Comments by Brave director Mark Andrews and producer Katherine Sarafian are included.

Brave hits theaters in one year exactly, and don't miss the teaser trailer in theaters with Cars 2!

So what do you think of the poster?

Cars 2 Video Game Now Available!

Last week the official soundtrack for Cars 2 came out, followed shortly by the video game for the film, which came out yesterday! I unfortunately have not had the time to go and buy the new game, nor do I have the money, but hopefully this summer I get the opportunity to play this awesome new release! So if you're interested in playing this new action-packed title, head on over to your local retail store and get your hands (or should I say, wheels) all over Cars 2: The Video Game!

Read more about the game in this post!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Brave Concept Art, Composer Announced

Lately we've gotten some news on Pixar's next feature film after Cars 2, Brave, which will be Pixar's very first fairy tale, and will also feature Pixar's first female protagonist.

Recently, a picture of Brave concept art on display at Pixar's facility in Emeryville (pictured above) was released on Twitter, and boy, is it ever astounding. This concept art happens to be on display at Pixar's new Brooklyn building, and is the same concept art I saw last month when I got to visit the studio. I mention seeing Brave concept art on display at Brooklyn in this post. While Pixar has stated when Brooklyn opened that they would not be releasing any pictures of Brooklyn's interior yet, this image somehow managed to find its way onto the Internet when it was posted by BravePixar2012 on Twitter. Maybe this is the first of many pictures from the inside of Brooklyn to be released on the web.

Also, it has been announced that Scottish composer Patrick Doyle will score for Brave. Patrick has also composed music for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and this year's Thor, as well as the upcoming Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Also, John Lasseter has stated that even though the film's lead, Merida, is a princess, he says that "she's a kickass princess. She has a bow and a sword, she rides a big horse and battles bears." So for boys that were thinking of maybe skipping Pixar's 2012 film just because it's a princess movie, don't even think about it. Brave will be just as awesome as all the other Pixar classics!

Catch the Brave teaser trailer this Friday in theaters with Cars 2!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cars 2 World Premiere!

Saturday night was the world premiere for Pixar's 12th feature film, Cars 2, set to hit theaters this Friday! The premiere took place at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood, just like the Toy Story 3 premiere last year. Of course, Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, and all the other voice actors were there, along with producer Denise Ream and director John Lasseter, who seemed very excited judging by the pictures. Check out some cool pics from the event below, with some captions written by yours truly. I don't know about you, but for me whenever the premiere for the latest Pixar movie takes place, my excitement meter goes wild. I mean, 4 more days until we get to see more Pixar awesomeness!!! How exciting is that??!?!!

Lightning, Mater, and Finn cruise down the carpet as they arrive at the premiere.

The "Cars 2" World Premiere as seen from high in the sky. Who knows, Siddley the spy jet might have taken this picture as he soared above the festivities.

Owen Wilson (voice of Lightning McQueen) poses alongside his four-wheeled counterpart.

Emily Mortimer (voice of Holley Shiftwell) and Eddie Izzard (Miles Axlerod) arrive at the premiere.

Pixar honcho and "Cars 2" director John Lasseter is definately pumped up for the premiere of the movie! Look! He's even got an all new "Cars 2" Hawaiian shirt!

Cars 2 drives into theaters THIS FRIDAY, with only 4 days to go!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Celebrating Toy Story 3

Today is June 18. Doesn't that date bring back some great memories from last year? Exactly one year ago, the highly anticipated Toy Story 3 hit theaters. It was the heroic return of Woody, Buzz, and the gang. After not seeing them in a film for 11 years, the world was delighted to have them back. Toy Story 3 made the world laugh hysterically, told a wonderful story with lots of action, and most importantly, touched the hearts of millions. The film grossed over 1 billion dollars worldwide, and became the highest grossing film of 2010, and the highest grossing animated film ever. Toy Story 3 then went on to win Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song at the 83rd Academy Awards. After all this, Toy Story 3 beacame known as simply a treasure, and a lovely gift to the planet. Thank you Pixar, for Toy Story 3.

Cars 2 Clips: "Wasabi" and "Japan Fast Dirt Section"

With now less than a week until Cars 2 makes its debut in theaters, we have two new clips that both take place in Tokyo, Japan. Watch as Mater mistakes wasabi for pistachio ice cream and asks the sushi chef for a a decent scoop of "ice cream". I wonder what will happen when Mater finds out what kind of flavour wasabi actually has. In the other clip, watch part of the first race of the World Grand Prix in Tokyo as the racers take on the dirt track. It's awesome to see Lightning using that same trick Doc taught him in the first film to get ahead of Francesco.

Cars 2 vrooms into theaters in just 6 days!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cars 2 Soundtrack Now Available!

I had almost forgotten! Today is the day that the Cars 2 soundtrack went on sale! I was very excited when I finally remembered that it was June 14, so I ran straight to my iPod, went on iTunes, and purchased my very first song from Cars 2--"You Might Think". Now I can't stop listening to it!

The Cars 2 soundtrack is available for digital download, but also on the physical disc. You can purchase it on iTunes or order it on Amazon. Of course, if you have an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad you can just purchase the soundtrack right from the palm of your hand, or if you want the physical disc, just head on over to the store and buy it there! Beware, some of the tracks' titles contain spoilers, which is why I haven't read them all. So if you don't want to spoil the movie, don't read the tracks' names!

You can listen to the whole soundtrack in just 10 days, when the film premieres in North American theaters!!! So get ready for the motion picture event of the summer, the animated sequel to the 2006 hit, Cars 2!!

Read more about the Cars 2 soundtrack here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cars 2 Clip: "Disguises"

A new Cars 2 clip has debuted, and I must say, it is one of my favorite clips that have been released! It's from the scene where Mater is trying on various disguises for his mission...but then gets a little off task. Good ol' Mater, funny as can be.

Cars 2 will finally hit theaters in just 11 days!!

Which is your favorite Mater disguise?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cars 2 Clip: "Carmac"

We recently got to see two clips entitled "Meet Finn" and "British Intelligence". "British Intelligence" was an extended version of "Meet Finn". Now, we have an all new clip, entitled "Carmac", which picks up where we left off at the end of "British Intelligence". This new one is a lot more  action-packed than the other two, and features bad guys Grem and Acer chasing down Finn and Mater at the Tokyo International Airport. Watch for yourself:

Cars 2 hits theaters in 12 days!!! The wait is almost over!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New La Luna Poster, Still, Clip

We heard a month ago about a new short film that Pixar has been working on, entitled La Luna. We had only gotten a small sneak peek with a still and a synopsis, until this week. A few new things have debuted on the web, including a beautiful and creative poster (seen above), a still, and even a clip!

The still is truly gorgeous. It's amazing what you can create when you put a bunch of talented artists together. Check out the clip here at AWNtv, and get a little glimpse of what type of story La Luna will tell.

Hopefully we'll get to see La Luna next year with Brave, but only time will see when we will get to see this nice little Pixar tale!

A Look at the Cars 2 Soundtrack!

Everyone knows that not only does Pixar make great movies, but they get great artists, musicians, and composers to create tons of awesome music that goes great with their films! I even once wrote a whole post about this subject, called The Marvelous Music of Pixar.

Cars 2 will feature contributions of music from various artists, and of course, the score is being composed by the very talented Michael Giacchino.

Here are all of the songs which will be featured in the film:

You Might Think - performed by Weezer; new version of The Cars' hit from the 1980's

Collision of Worlds - performed by Brad Paisley and Robbie Williams; duet

Mon Caeur Fait Vroum (My Heart Goes Vroom) - performed by BĂ©nabar; co-written by Michael Giacchino

Nobody's Fool - performed by Brad Paisley; written by Paisley

Polyrythm - performed by Japanese girl group Perfume

My two personal favorites from this selection of songs are definitely "You Might Think" (which you can listen to here) and "Polyrythm", although I haven't even heard the full version of "Polyrythm"!

Also, Micheal Giacchino's score will be running through the entire film to make the Cars 2 even more exciting. Don't forget, Giacchino also scored various other Pixar films, including The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Up. I've heard little snippets of his work for Cars 2, and it sounds fabulous! From what I've heard, I'm really liking one of the tracks from the very beginning, "Turbo Transmission".

The Cars 2 soundtrack will be available for digital download and physical CD on June 14! The movie hits theaters soon after on June 24, in exactly 15 days!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cars 2 Clips: "Tokyo Party" and "British Intelligence"

It's always good to check up on Disney Pixar's YouTube channel once in a while. They have been uploading a lot of new clips from Cars 2 lately! Today, watch as Lighting McQueen and Mater meet Italian racer, Francesco Bernoulli. You start to see the rivalry between Lightning and Francesco unfold here. Also, there is another new clip, which is basically an extended version of last week's "Meet Finn" clip. You get a glimpse at some of Finn McMissile's awesome spy gadgets!

Cars 2 hits theaters in just 16 days!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Philosophy Behind the Pixar Corner Logo

Many people have been telling me how awesome they think the new logo for Pixar Corner is. But what they don't know is the whole philosophy behind this new icon, and what it symbolizes, other than Pixar Corner. Well, here's a list of some of the things you didn't know about the new logo:

The three edges that form the corner of the room represent the three main people involved in creating Pixar; John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, and Steve Jobs.

The rubber ball represents not only Pixar, but how this blog is always evolving and in motion, like a ball. The rubber ball also represents the world, and how Pixar's films are meant to be enjoyed worldwide.

Lastly, you might notice a the rubber ball's shadow on the logo. How are shadows formed? By light. How can light be produced? With a lamp. What is the other important Pixar icon? The Luxo Lamp. Therefore, even though the lamp isn't visible in the logo, you can be sure that it is present.

I hope you found this Philosophy Behind the Pixar Corner Logo interesting!

Pixar Corner Now on Twitter!

After over a year of blogging, I finally have a Twitter page for Pixar Corner. At the moment, I only know a couple of the basics for Twitter, but that's why I'm reading Twitter for Dummies! On my Twitter account, I'll be tweeting about all my posts, as well as writing short Pixar-related messages, and posting some cool Pixar links, videos, and images. Hopefully this will enhance the whole blog experience, both for me and all my readers. So I guess there's only one thing left for me to say--follow me on TWITTER.

Monday, June 6, 2011

More Info on Hawaiian Vacation!

Pixar's official website was recently updated with an article all about their latest short film, Hawaiian Vacation, the very first of the Toy Story Toons series. The new animated short stars Barbie, Ken, and of course Woody, Buzz and all the toys as they strive to create the perfect Hawaiian paradise right in Bonnie's bedroom. This interesting article talks about The Tale and The Characters behind Hawaiian Vacation and has a paragraph entitled Behind the Scenes. A few new things are mentioned here, such as some of the friendships that have been formed between Andy's toys and Bonnie's toys.

Toy Story Toons: Hawaiian Vacation features all the original voice actors from Toy Story 3 returning to voice their characters, and you can catch it in theaters when it premieres alongside Cars 2 in 18 days on June 24.

Are you as hyped as I am for the return of Buzz and Woody??

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Cars 2 Image: McQueen and Francesco

This awesome new image from Cars 2 has recently been released on the Internet and it features Lightning McQueen and Francesco Bernoulli racing in Porto Corsa, Italy. I really like how vibrant the colors are in this image, and I also admire the beautiful background. More proof that Cars 2 will be Pixar's most visually stunning yet.

Cars 2 hits theaters on June 24, exactly 19 days away from today.

My Visit to Pixar: The Studio Grounds

What's a trip to Pixar without going for an unforgettable walk in the studio's beautiful grounds? When visiting Pixar in May, I was bewildered by all the trees, plants, fields, and gorgeous flowers that they keep in their property. Below, read all about what the Pixar grounds were like, and take a look at some of the pictures as well.
 The Parking Lot

As you pass the front gate and start driving towards the parking lot, you see a familiar logo painted on the driveway; the logo for Cars 2. It used to read just "Cars" when the first film came out, but it was recently updated to match the current Pixar release. As soon as I got out of the car and I was standing in the Pixar parking lot, I let out an excited scream.

 The Amphitheater

The amphitheater at Pixar is often used for many things, including fencing, picnics, and some meetings too. At Pixar's annual Motorama event, cars are even parked in the amphitheater! It's also a nice place to just come and sit down and relax.

The [Giant] Lamp and Ball

Giant versions of the iconic Pixar luxo lamp and rubber ball are stationed right in front of the entrance to the main building. The ball is roughly around 4 feet in height, and the lamp actually lights up at night!

The Building

Even from the outside, the architecture of the building is beautiful. To make the landscape even more attractive, there are trees all over the place, along with nice tables where employees can sit down and have a nice chat.

I hope you enjoyed this post. It serves as a reminder that not only does Pixar make great films, but they do so in this wonderful environment!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Cars 2 Videos: Clip and Video Game Trailer

As the streak of new videos from the upcoming spy film Cars 2 continues, we get another peek at one of the scenes that take place in Tokyo, and yet another trailer for the anticipated video game. In the clip, watch as Lightning McQueen greets fellow racers Jeff Gorvette and Lewis Hamilton, and meanwhile, Mater gets distracted by Zen Master. In the background, you can also hear Perfume's song for the Cars 2 soundtrack, "Polyrhythm". The new trailer for Cars 2: The Video Game gives what is probably the best look at the video game yet. Clearly, the video game will be just as action-packed as the movie, and it's great to see that all the new characters are featured as well.

Like I've said before; all these clips are making me even more and more desperate for the movie to come out.

Luckily, the wait to Cars 2 is quickly approaching the finish line, with only 20 days to go until its release in North American theaters, and only 17 days until the video game hits store shelves!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Logo For Pixar Corner!

As you have probably seen, Pixar Corner now has an all new logo! It was creatively designed by my friend Paul Robin. As you can see, the new logo has the iconic Pixar rubber ball in the corner of a room, which, of course, represents Pixar Corner. I hope you like this new original logo just as much as I do!

A very special thanks to Paul Robin for designing the new logo! Also, please leave your thoughts and opinions on what you think about this new logo in the comments section!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More Cars 2 Videos!

Pixar has been releasing a lot of new Cars 2 videos lately! Today, we get another awesome featurette, and another clip! The featurette focuses on the main spy characters of the film, Finn McMissile and Holley Shiftwell, and also includes some new action-packed footage! The clip features Mater and Finn as they meet at the Tokyo International Airport. Watch them below:

Check out previous Cars 2 videos here and here.